Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Writing Prompt #1

So our first official month of writing has begun! Writing prompt #1 is to write about a dream you've had recently, with as much specific detail as possible. If you can't remember a recent dream, use something significant, like a recurring dream or one you had as a child that you still remember. I know I've heard about dreams that some of you have had in the past, so I'm looking forward to reading these!

I may try to post some more during the month, like some amazing motivational speeches (written by other people) or just some ideas to get the creative juices going, but don't be offended if I don't. Michael's family will be visiting for a few weeks, so our schedule may be too packed to allow it. If not, I look forward to hearing from everyone by the end of the month.

Oh, yeah, the deadline for this month's writing is May 25. That way we can spend the last week reading submissions and making comments.

Thanks everyone!!!

(As always, if you know anyone who would like to join, send me their email and I'll add them as an author of the blog. Thanks!)

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